Protect engage attract

Your Lodge Re-imagined with our ONE Ecosystem for protecting, engaging and attracting members

Master your lodge Operations with
One ecosystem

Your Lodge – Reimagined.  Times are changing and so is your lodge. With our ONE ECOSYSTEM we make running your Lodge simple and easy so that you, your board, and your members can easily help out without taking a lot of time and effort.

Moose Boxes offers a variety of easy-to-use tools and resources as well as live online support and how-to programs that give you exactly what you need to manage your lodge operations and GROW your membership. 

This entire ecosystem includes the onsite protection and physical door entry system, automated software control, real-time management and reporting on current and past due members plus done-for-you marketing and social media strategies that you can easily implement to support your growth and retention efforts.

O – Onsite Protection

N – “Now” Realtime Reporting & Management

E – Engaging Membership Growth and Retention Tools

OUT with the OLD

ONSITE PROTECTION has never been easier.

A Moose Lodge in California was struggling to manage their old “Key Card” access control system.  Cards were expensive and it was a time-consuming process to add

 new members and remove expired members.  In addition, when a member let their dues lapse with no intention of returning, they often did not return their card adding further expense and frustration. 

The lodge turned to Moose Boxes to replace their old, outdated and expensive system with the cutting-edge, yet simple to implement Moose Boxes Access System (MBAS) that uses the standard Moose International membership card to allow members in good standing access to their lodge. 

Taking only about 2 hours to install, the Moose Lodges’ new MBAS was up and running, while never once requiring intervention by the Administrator to add or remove members manually. 

Further, the system assured that all those entering were members in good standing.

In a few short months, the time and money saved more than paid the small price of the MBAS solution. 

Why not check out how cost-effective and easy to install the Moose Boxes Access System is for your lodge.   

In with the NEW members, that is

A large Moose Lodge in Florida was beginning to see a decline in membership after many years of growth.  The Lodge had a Retention Committee calling on members soon to expire, but the membership numbers continued to slide.

A couple of months after installing their new Moose Boxes Access System, the President sat in on an MBAS online training session and learned that there were a number of optional reports available that could help give the Lodge insight into how their membership was using the lodge.

One report showed what days and times were the busiest allowing the Lodge to adjust staffing for the Social Quarters and Kitchen. 

Another report showed that more people were using the side entrance than the main entrance where the bulletin board and Lodge activities were posted.  After asking around, the board learned the front door was too hard to open for some members who used the side entrance instead.  Further investigation revealed the door closer mechanism to be broken.  Once replaced, membership went back to using the main entrance. 

The most telling report, however, was the membership access trends report.  This report showed that many of their newly added members stopped coming in 1 to 2 months after joining.  This was a disturbing insight prompting the board to dig deeper. 

Because the report also showed the member’s sponsor, the Retention Committee contacted the sponsor to have them reach out to the new member to see why they stopped coming in.  In many cases, the new member indicated that they did not feel they belonged and did not really understand what the Moose was all about.

After reinstating an in-person New Member Orientation that was dropped a year earlier in lieu of the YouTube video, and including a free spaghetti dinner for new members, their families and friends along with a meet and greet with current Lodge members, the membership number started to grow, and new members came to the lodge more often.

Let us show your lodge how Moose Boxes can help you GROW TOO! 

a lodge reimagined

ENGAGING MEMBERSHIP GROWTH & RETENTION tools that can help change everything.

A small Moose Lodge in Oregon found itself facing some trouble during the pandemic.  Like many other lodges, they faced issues on how to keep current members engaged, involved and up to date while attracting new members when in-person lodge activities had all been shut down.

By utilizing our social media promotional strategies volunteers created, promoted and executed a “Moose” version of door dash, delivering to-go meals to members, and as a community service to everyone that was shut in or unable to come to the drive-through lodge meal pick up.  They also included a newsletter and calendar of events.

Once things opened up, the social media and marketing tools continued engaging membership growth and retention resulting in the lodge having the highest combined new member sign up and existing member retention with an impressive 7.5% increase in the 2020-2021 fiscal year.